Monday, November 7, 2011

Some cultural exchange happening.

Today kicked off the holiday of Eid Kabir, and proved to be quite eventful. (I recommend to google the meaning behind it all to get a better understanding of how my few days are going now.) We started the morning with slaughtering our own ram and then went on to eat what felt like most of it the rest of the day (when in fact it was maybe about 10%). I ate liver wrapped in fat, the heart, most of the nose and cheeks, and intestines and some other parts I'm slightly unsure of. It was actually quite tasty, but sometimes chewy. Salt and kummon made it taste better and also always drinking the coca cola they offer. (The coke here is a lot better for some reason and then I found out it's because they do not use corn syrup and just use pure sugar which makes it taste a little sweeter but I'm sure my teeth will pay for it soon.) 
Tonight I also had the priveledge of explaining to my host father in broken Darija why Michael Jackson's doctor was being hancuffed on the television. Basically to translate I said this, "Michael Jackson. Doctor. Doctor said, "take medicine." Medicine bad. Michael Jackson died. Doctor now (handcuff motion)." and that was our cultural exchange for the day.

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